
2024 Fair Pricing Forum

Since 2017, the Forum has focused on improving access to medicines and health products through fair pricing. In 2019, the World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA72.8) requested WHO to continue its efforts to biennially convene the Fair Pricing Forum with Member States and all relevant stakeholders to discuss the affordability and transparency of costs related to health products. In this regard, the purpose of the 2024 Fair Pricing Forum is to facilitate discussion between stakeholders on how to achieve affordable pricing that can support sustained and equitable access in all countries, while still providing the necessary incentives to develop new medicines.


Register your interest


A limited number of places are available to interested individuals working in this area. If you would like to register your interest to participate, please provide your details via the link below.

All individual expressions of interest will be evaluated. Approved individuals will be sent a formal registration link.

***If your organization has already nominated you for participation, you will be sent a formal registration link and do not need to apply.

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Ticket Categories* Fee Code
Private Sector / Industry 3200 € WHS23_RT939
Public Sector / Academia and Research Organizations 650 € WHS23_NG879
Philantropy / Foundations / NGOs 500 € WHS23_PF832
Health System Workers 350 € WHS23_HS221
Youth / Students (up to age 29) 200 € WHS23_YS229

*All ticket categories have a 50% discount option for participants having their habitual residence in low & middle income countries. The organizer reserves the right to deny access to the event location to participants who have registered using the discount for low & middle income countries without legitimate entitlement.